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Deb Wood, PhD, ND

FLOAT Norfolk - Does a Body Good

Why does Dam Neck Fleet Training Center have 6 Float Pods for the Navy Seals? Why is floating referred to as their "secret weapon," for building and restoring health?

Why does Virginia High Performance No Fail Mission for Athletic Performance have ten floats built into their ten day program for Individuals and Veterans?

Why do Morgan and Leslie Luttrell (twin brother of Marcus Luttrell, a former United States Navy SEAL who received the Navy Cross and Purple Heart for his actions in June 2005 against Taliban fighters during Operation Red Wings - "Lone Survivor") have a floating business/service available for public and veteran use?

Why does the Veteran Wellness Center of Hampton Roads and the VA recommend floating for restoring healthy sleep patterns, jump start losing weight, turning off the emotion pain and relaxing, improving or restoring Athletic Performance, PTSD, Fibromyalgia and Pain Release, etc?

Why is Nick Baggett, SOCM Retired - President of Veteran Wellness Center of Hampton Roads floating every day for ten days as part of his healing program: Heal the Brain - Release the Pain?

I will tell you why: Because they know something. They know something about maintaining and restoring health and wellness. Plus they care about you and our warriors and floating is an amazing activity to implement and facilitate the restoration of health, wellness and peace of mind. It's an enjoyable modality to RESET the body, mind and spirit. It's also just plain fun to do.

If you have health issues, can't sleep, are tired, have brain fog and your adrenals are shot - try Floating once a week. It will drastically reduce the week's buildup of stress overload. If you want to reward yourself for surviving another week, float on Friday and give yourself a jump start for a restful weekend.

The days when you don't float? Meditate not Medicate. Float away mental health issues, medical conditions and physical challenges. Check out Renova Reset and reframe your post traumatic stress experiences.

JUST TRY IT. Floating does a body good. Especially floating in Norfolk, the area premier float therapy center. Float in a pristine environment - quiet, friendly, and just walking into our building is a meditation-state in and of itself.

Take care of yourself ... it's a jungle out there, and it doesn't seem to be getting any better, soon.

FLOAT in NORFOLK - Schedule your weekly Float today: 757.452.3939 - Ask for Kresta.

Dr. Deb Wood holds a PhD in Naturopathy. She cares about your health. After your float, request a FREE tour of The Renova Center and a RESET Consult. Do your body good.

NEXT BLOG: Battle Dawgs - not just another pretty face.

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